2020 survey
Final draft of the report on the 2020 crime and sofety survey in Georgia. The report is available in English and Georgian (pdf)
Van Dijk, J.J.M., Chantulia, T. & Glonti, G. (2021). Victimization survey report. Support to the security sector reform programme preparation, funded by the European Union. Tbilisi, IBF International Consulting.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
The European Union has, under contract 2019/411469, commissioned IBF International Consulting to conduct a study on experiences with crime and policing among the national population of Georgia. The fieldwork for the study has been executed by GORBI, a Georgian polling company with extensive experience in surveying national population samples on social issues, including victimisation by crime. The study was conducted after consultations with a working group of stakeholders composed of representatives of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and of Justice, the Prosecutorial Office and the State Security Service. It was executed under the supervision of Prof Jan Van Dijk (The Netherlands) and Prof Georgi Glonti (Georgia). The contents of the survey do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and any other stakeholder mentioned above.
Final draft of the report on the 2020 survey in English and in Georgian (pdf).
The questionnaires used and the database in SPSS are available as well.
Report and data
The database (in SPSS)* is available for further analysis. Please send us any result of your reseach. Cite the main report and the database as follows.
Van Dijk, J.J.M., Chantulia, T. & Glonti, G. (2021). Victimization survey report. Support to the security sector reform programme preparation, funded by the European Union. Tbilisi, IBF International Consulting.
Van Dijk, J.J.M., Chantulia, T. & Glonti, G. (2021). Data from the Victimization survey . Support to the security sector reform programme preparation, funded by the European Union. Tbilisi, IBF International Consulting.
* Apart from using SPSS, this datafile can also be analysed using PSPP. Download PSPP for Linux here and for Windows here
The questionnaires used in this study are available for review. If you want to use this questionnaire (or parts of the questionnaires) for another study, you may do so provided you notify the ICVS project team. Jan Van Dijk and John Van Kesteren. I that case we also want to receive any output from your study, including description of the methodology, questionnaires and datafile. We will also want add you data to the main ICVS database that is in public domain for further independent research by academics.
The questionnaire is in Georgian and English. The female respondents answered the very sensitive items on (sexual) violence in a separate questionnaire.
Engilsh main questionnaire
English violence questions for women
Georgian main questionnaire
English violence questions for women